Cellulitelipodystrophyconnective tissue degeneration– it is an abnormal distribution of adipose tissue, excess accumulated fat (fatty cellulite), excess accumulated water (water cellulite) and metabolites. 


Cellulite accumulates in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Most often it occurs on the thighs, hips, buttocks, as well as on the stomach, arms and knees

Cellulite is an edematous fibrous degeneration- folds, lumps, unevenness of the skin surface, bulges and dimples.

Types of cellulite:


adipose– soft cellulite. Incorrect distribution of adipose tissue and/ or excess accumulated fat causes pressure on the capillaries and blocks the efficient removal of toxins and accumulated water from the body. 


hard– water cellulite. It arises as a result of improper blood and lymph circulation, which disturbs the process of removing water and toxins from the body. 


circulating cellulite– a combination of fat and water cellulite.

Other symptoms of cellulite


pain when touched or sudden, transient pain, 

feeling of heaviness and excessive tension in the legs, 

cramps in the lower limbs, 

tingling and numbness, 

burning and local change in skin temperature.

Degrees of cellulite


Stage I: the skin is smooth, changes are visible only when the skin is pressed. 


Stage II: elasticity decreases, the skin is smooth in the lying and standing position, but when the skin is folded, depressions are visible. 


Stage III: the skin is uneven, changes are visible at rest, there are shallow depressions, nodules are palpable. 


Stage IV: changes visible regardless of the position of the body and the pressure of the skin, nodules are palpable, the skin is uneven, folded with depressions, dimples, pain is felt when touched.

Causes of cellulite





overweight and obesity, 

incorrect diet, 

inadequate hydration of the body, 

venous and lymphatic circulation disorders, 

lack of physical activity, 

problems with the digestive system, 

excessive stress and other disorders of the nervous system,

smoking and drinking alcohol, 

posture defects that cause pressure that prevents proper blood supply to the limbs, 

abnormalities: estrogen, insulin, thyroid hormones, norepinephrine or prolactin, 

estrogen predominance with progesterone deficiency, 


wearing clothes that are too tight.

Active ingredients for cellulite reduction


L- carnitine, caffeine, ivy, ginkgo biloba, centella asiatica, horsetail, algae, mud, sweet clover, elderberry, mountain arnica, green tea, ginseng, cocoa, hibiscus, sea fennel, cayenne pepper, guarana, horse chestnut , rowanberry, yellow poppy, common greyhound, cinnabar, coenzyme A, vitamin A, E, K, C, collagen, elastin, coenzyme Q10, oils: orange, grapefruit, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary.

Home remedies for cellulite


balanced diet, physical activity and proper hydration of the body,


alternating shower (cold- warm), 

dry brushing, 


proper skin care.

Cellulite. What is cellulite. How to get rid of cellulite? Home remedies for cellulite. Cellulite active ingredients. Types of cellulite. Other symptoms of cellulite. Degrees of cellulite. Causes of cellulite. Water cellulite. Fatty cellulite.