5 the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle
Proper hydration of the body is necessary for almost all functions and processes taking place inside our body, and it also significantly affects the well-being and condition of the skin.
By drinking appropriate amounts of this fluid:
– the skin becomes more elastic, firmer and moisturised,
– the body has the ability to function properly,
– aging processes are delayed,
– our well-being improves,
– the proper balance of the body is maintained.
If you care about the proper functioning of your entire body, you want to maintain your well-being and healthy skin- drink water!
The World Health Organisation and other health institutions recommend drinking at least 30-50 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight.
Remember that these needs vary depending on your health, lifestyle and individual body needs.
Physical activity
Physical activity is an important element in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It affects our physical and mental health and well-being.
Physical activity for the body:
– helps prevent diseases,
– reduces many pain symptoms,
– improves our well-being.
Physical activity for the skin:
– supports the removal of toxins,
– increases blood flow,
– improves collagen production.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines physical activity as body movement caused by skeletal muscles that requires the expenditure of energy.
These are not only exercises, but also activities undertaken in everyday life (sports, professional, home or other activities). Remember, all physical activity is important.
Good quality sleep
During sleep, the whole body rests and, together with the skin, undergoes regenerative processes.
These processes need an appropriate environment, including:
– maintaining circadian rhythm,
– limiting the effects of blue light,
– deep darkness, appropriate room temperature, comfortable mattress,
– stress reduction,
– limiting stimulants.
During inadequate sleep or interrupted sleep:
– collagen fibers are damaged, wrinkles appear, the skin loses firmness and elasticity,
– the complexion becomes grey, sallow, pale,
– dark circles and swelling appear around the eyes,
– the pH of the skin is disturbed, which causes the skin to become dry or excessively oily,
– cognitive functions are weakened, there are problems with memory and concentration.
During good quality sleep:
– blood flow in the skin is increased, so active substances are better absorbed,
– impurities, toxins and free radicals are removed,
– regenerative processes run correctly.
Take care of good sleep quality, get enough sleep, maintain physical and mental balance.
A healthy eating style affects the proper functioning of the entire body and maintains good skin condition.
What is important in a healthy diet is:
– regularity of meals,
– eating as little processed products as possible,
– providing the right amount of high-quality carbohydrates, healthy proteins and unsaturated fats,
– consumption of vegetables in the daily portion in the ratio of 3/4 and fruit in the ratio of 1/4,
– providing the appropriate amount of dietary fiber,
– a diet rich in vitamins and minerals,
– proper hydration of the body.
Avoiding the consumption of sugar, flour, salt, smoking, alcohol and drugs.
Nutrients- calories:
carbohydrates 1g = 4kcal 17kJ
protein 1g = 4kcal 17kJ
fat 1g = 9kcal 37kJ
The skin is a reflection of the way we eat. If you want to keep it looking good, remember to eat a healthy diet. By maintaining this eating style, you create an environment that allows your body to function properly.
Stress reduction
Stress has a negative impact on the functioning of the entire body and the processes that take place in it, and the effects of chronic stress affect the condition and appearance of the skin. There are many natural ways to relax. Additionally, stress-reducing supplements are available, but remember that these preparations may interact with other substances and medications, so it is important to choose consciously or consult a specialist.
Symptoms of stress visible on the skin:
– improper functioning of the hydrolipid layer,
– changes in skin tone,
– efflorescence,
– blood vessels,
– accelerated skin aging processes,
– dark circles under the eyes,
– tired facial expression.
Stress affects:
– physical health,
– mental health,
– emotional and behavioral reactions,
– physiological condition,
– intellectual functions.
Ways to reduce stress:
– avoid unhealthy habits,
– practice self-care,
– spend time in nature,
– set boundaries and learn to say 'no’,
– practice mindfulness,
– close your eyes and take deep breaths,
– take on challenges,
– take control of your life,
– take care of a healthy diet and adequate hydration,
– take up physical activity,
– get enough sleep.
To sum up, a healthy lifestyle, including: body hydration, physical activity, good quality sleep, a healthy diet, stress reduction
are of great importance for the proper functioning of the entire body and also significantly affects on mental and physical health and our well-being.