Polynucleotides are small fragments of DNA and RNA nucleic acids that occur naturally in all organisms, which means they are compatible with the human body.
Polynucleotides have strong biochemical properties:
– bind water molecules (deeply moisturise and hydrate the skin),
– have antioxidant properties (reduce free radicals),
– they increase the number and increase the activity of fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin (restoring resilience, elasticity and firmness to the skin),
– force the regeneration of damaged tissues, resulting in a natural reconstruction of facial features and contours,
– improve the condition of the skin through biorevitalisation,
– have a strong lifting effect,
– thicken the skin.
Tissue stimulators that contain polynucleotides are used on
scalp, eye area, face, neck, decolletage, hands and entire body.
Polynucleotides work primarily in the deep layers of the skin, so you have to wait until the regeneration processes are complete to see the full effects.
After the treatment with polynucleotides, you may experience slight discomfort, burning, redness, slight swelling and bruising.
unregulated autoimmune diseases,
type I diabetes (unregulated),
pregnancy and breastfeeding,
infections and herpes,
cancer disease,
blood clotting disorders.
cosmetology aestheticmedicine kosmetologia medycynaestetyczna beautician cosmetologist kosmetyczka kosmetolog beautyplan zabiegi treatments stymulatorytkankowe tissuestimulators polinukleotydy polynucleotides