Stretch marks are a problem that affects women, men and even children.
Formed when collagen fibers, in the dermis burst due to the stretching of the skin. Although the epidermis is not damaged, cavities are formed that create visible grooves in the dermis.
Initially, they are red– this is the inflammatory phase.
Gradually, with the passage of time, they become paler, take on a whitish pearl color. This is the atrophic phase, and stretch marks resemble scars.
Stretch marks are caused by:
hormonal changes- during puberty, menopause or pregnancy;
rapid weight gain;
muscle mass gain;
diseases in the course of which collagen production is disturbed (e.g. Cushing’s syndrome);
genetic factors (congenital low synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers);
disorders in the functioning of connective tissue;
excessive stretching of the skin;
poor skin condition;
therapy with steroid drugs.
It is worth introducing the following active ingredients in the care against stretch marks:
hydroxyproline, horsetail, milk thistle, shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, castor oil, argan oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, sesame oil, prickly pear oil, vitamin c, collagen .
What are stretch marks. How stretch marks are formed. What to use on skin with stretch marks. Active ingredients for stretch marks. What are the types of stretch marks. Effective ways to stretch marks. How to get rid of stretch marks. Home remedies for stretch marks. Treatments for stretch marks. Stretch marks on the back. Stretch marks on the abdomen. Stretch marks on the buttocks. Stretch marks after pregnancy. Stretch marks on a man. Stretch marks in children.