Pregnancy is a time when a number of complex endocrine, immunological, metabolic and vascular changes occur in the woman’s body, which may affect the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.
Future mothers, remembering about their blessed condition, can safely use safe treatments that allow them to improve their well being and maintain the condition of skin in full perfection.
removal of impurities, exfoliation and oxygenation of the skin,
hydration, nourishment and revitalisation,
reduction of dark circles under the eyes,
improvement of microcirculation,
reduction of swelling,
improving lymph flow,
tension reduction, relaxation and relief.
The composition of the products is selected so that it is completely safe and effective.
A properly performed treatment will relax the expectant mother, improve her well-being and keep her skin in good condition.
Treatments for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers:
care treatments for the face, eyes area, neck, cleavage and body.
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