The skin of a man differs from the skin of a woman, mainly in terms of its denisty, the dynamics of aging, the work of sebaceous glands, the density of blood vessels and the presence of more hair on the face.
The male epidermis is definitely thicker and stronger than the female epidermis by as much as 25%, which is due to androgens (male sex hormones). Thanks to this, men’s skin is more resistant to external factors such as sun, wind, cold, as well as to mechanical damage. Importantly, testosterone also has a beneficial effect on the production of collagen, the level of which decreases gradually with age, additionally, in the dermis of men there are elastic fibers with a tighter weave, and all this makes facial wrinkles appear a little later than in women. Gentlemen also have larger papillae of the dermis, thanks to which their blood microcirculation is better (the skin is better oxygenated and nourished). Another difference is also more hair and sebaceous glands, which makes men more likely to experience the problem of shine, enlarged pores and acne lesions.
Men can take advantage of professional non invasive, invasive, anti wrinkle, scalp and body treatments.
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